
Top 5 Flexibility Exercises For Boxing

Flexibility is one of the most underrated skills for a boxer, while you might focus more on strength or speed. Flexibility is usually what you might think about in connection with yoga, but it’s much more than that. Flexibility boxing allows you to build on your strength, speed, and endurance. As a boxer, flexibility allows you to put more power behind your punches.

  1. Neck Stretch
  2. Spinal Stretch
  3. Pectoral Stretch
  4. Cat Stretch
  5. Side Stretch

Beyond improving your performance in the ring, flexibility boosts your fitness level and metabolism. So, you can more easily accomplish everyday activities. One of the best side effects is that it also allows you to tone your body and better prevent certain types of injuries. Then, too, if you were to be injured, flexibility helps you to more quickly bounce back.

What About Safety and Flexibility?

Even though flexibility is so key to building strength, speed, and endurance, while avoiding injury, you should still proceed with caution. If you’re a beginning boxer, you probably would not take on the champion in your first fight. With developing your flexibility, you need to build up your flexibility, without overdoing it.

Avoid those unsafe situations where you overextend yourself or push yourself so hard that you injure yourself. In most cases, you can do well by listening to your body, not pushing yourself beyond your comfort level, and avoiding situations where the stretching is causing pain or severe discomfort. Here are a few quick tips to consider:

  • ALWAYS warm up thoroughly, without overdoing it.
  • Breathe through your stretches. Don’t hold your breath.
  • Shake out your limbs between the stretches. You don’t want to get too tight.
  • Don’t overextend or force the stretch to the point of severe discomfort or pain.
  • Stretches should not be held for more than 30 seconds. But, you can hold it for ~15 seconds if that feels more comfortable to start.

You may have been super flexible at some point in your life, but for most, that time was quite a few years ago. It takes time to get back to a state where you’re flexible again. But while you’re working toward that goal, you’re improving your range of motion, which can help you achieve better balance.

Beyond functional abilities, your flexibility training will also help to alleviate body aches and pains and make it easier for you to combat stress. Here are a few top flexibility stretches for boxers that you should try out!

Top 5 Flexibility Stretches for Boxers

The top flexibility stretches are designed to be low-key enough to be used every day as part of your regular workout routine.

Neck Stretch

Whether you feel the tightness or not, you tend to carry a lot of tension in your neck. That can lead to headaches and stiffness, as well as more minor aches and pains. You may not consider the neck a key consideration when you’re building strength, but neck flexibility allows you to withstand more strain, which makes it an ideal exercise for boxers. Here are the key steps.

  1. In a standing position, put your right hand on the left side of your head.
  2. Gently incline your head toward your right shoulder. It should not be enough to cause discomfort.
  3. Hold the stretch for up to 30 seconds.
  4. Release the stretch.
  5. Repeat the neck stretch with the left hand.

Always take special care when stretching your neck. Also try the flexion stretch, neck rotation, extension stretch, and lateral flexion stretch. If you ever feel discomfort or pain associated with your neck stretches, consult with your chiropractor or other medical professional. If the pain continues, you may need to adjust your stretches or consider additional rehabilitative physical therapy or stretching exercises.

Roll Down Stretch (Spinal Roll)

The Standing Roll Down Stretch or Spinal Roll helps to stretch your spinal column, while warming up your back and soothing stiffness. It’s intended to be a slow stretch, with gentle motion that eases you into and out of a strenuous workout. Here are the key steps.

  1. Start in the standing position, with your chin pointed toward your chest and your feet placed hip-width apart.
  2. With your neck, shoulders, and arms relaxed, begin to slowly roll down on the exhale.
  3. With controlled breathing, draw your navel toward your spine.
  4. Keep your knees slightly bent as you roll your body downward.
  5. Depending on your flexibility level, you may be able to touch your feet or shines. Don’t force it if your flexibility isn’t quite there yet.
  6. Hold your position for 15 seconds.
  7. Slowly move back into your standing position.
  8. Repeat the Roll Down or Spinal Roll several times.

You can also try the Roll Down Stretch or Spinal Roll as a floor exercise variation. No matter which variation you use, it’s a great way to strengthen your core while increasing your flexibility in your hamstrings and back. You can also try the Rocking Exercise or the Spinal Twist.

Chest Stretch (or Pectoral Stretch)

The Chest Stretch is a great way to improve your posture and flexibility, while helping to prevent injuries. The stretch helps to relieve the tightness, which opens up your chest, improves your breathing, and increasing mobility. Here are the key steps.

  1. Start in a standing position.
  2. With controlled breathing, clasp your arms behind your back.
  3. With your arms straight, move them upward. You should feel the stretch in your upper back and lats.
  4. Hold your position for up to 30 seconds.
  5. Slowly move your arms down and unclasp your hands.
  6. Bring your arms forward.
  7. Hold the position for up to 30 seconds.
  8. Repeat the Chest Stretch several times.

You can also perform this stretch with an external object like a punching bag. Or use the floor to stretch your extended arm. One of the mistakes with this stretch is to not stretch enough, but you should take care not to strain or force your muscles into positions that hurt or feel uncomfortable.

Cat Stretch

The Cat Stretch is one of the most popular flexibility poses. You might associate it with yoga practice, but the slow, controlled nature of this exercise makes it an ideal pose for keeping the back flexible while stretching your upper back and shoulders. Here are the key steps.

  1. Start on your hands and knees with your head pointed downward, in a neutral position.
  2. Spread your fingers to better support your joints.
  3. Focus on your breathing as you round your back and shoulders on your exhale.
  4. Tuck in your chin and draw your navel up to your spine.
  5. Hold the stretch for 15 seconds.
  6. Inhale as you move into your starting position.
  7. Repeat the stretch in slow and methodical motion, focusing on your breath.

The combination of movements and breathing make the cat stretch a great warm-up as you continue to develop flexibility. As you work through the movements in this pose, it should not feel difficult or strained. Instead, you should feel relaxed, with a natural rhythm that gently stretches your muscles. The Cat Stretch is one of the most popular ways to achieve greater flexibility.

Side Stretch

The Side Stretch is another great flexibility exercise to help you increase mobility while gaining better balance and muscle coordination. As it promotes muscle repair, this stretch helps to build muscles that allow you to accomplish everyday tasks and activities more easily. Here are the key steps.

  1. Start in the standing position, with your right leg crossed in front of your left leg.
  2. Lift your left arm over your head.
  3. Focus on your breathing as you slowly tilt or lean to the left.
  4. Hold the Side Stretch for up to 30 seconds.
  5. Slowly return to your standing position.
  6. Cross your left leg over your right leg.
  7. Focus on your breathing as you slowly tilt or lean to the right.
  8. Hold the Side Stretch for up to 30 seconds.
  9. Slowly return to your standing position.
  10. Repeat each Side Stretch several times.

If balance is an issue, you can use a chair, wall, or other stabilizing device to help you maintain your balance through the slow movement of the Side Stretch. With continued focus on movements, you’ll be able to continue to progress toward better flexibility. It’s a great way to ensure greater health while supporting blood circulation and relaxation.

Next Step: Regularly Stretch to Build Flexibility for Boxers

It may seem easier to forget that stretching is important. It takes time. It takes energy. And the progress may seem slow. By sticking with it, you’ll be able to reduce muscle stiffness, prevent injuries, increase blood flow, and shorten your recovery time. You’ll be able to enhance your workout, make the most of your boxing training, and keep your body flexible and resilient.

The real goal with flexibility training is to improve your performance in the ring though, with greater speed, strength, and endurance. You’ll be able to recover faster than ever before. As a boxer, you need to be always at peak performance in the ring. Flexibility Stretches allows you to move beyond “normal” mobility to improve the efficiency and performance of your muscles.