
Top 5 Short Boxers To Study

For many years, boxing has been dominated by shorter, smaller boxers. In this article we will focus on our top 5 boxers any shorter fighter should study. Learning by example will unlock the door to insider hints, tips and skills which can help you make the most of a smaller stature, and maximize your chances of victory. To help with your education, the top 5 short boxers to study are:

  1. Roberto Duran
  2. Floyd Mayweather
  3. Manny Pacquiao
  4. Vasyl Lomachenko
  5. Ricardo Lopez

We will now review the highlights of each of these boxers and how they utilized their skills in the ring; by studying the best of the best, you can ensure that you gain the advantage each and every time, and make sure that you enjoy win after win, no matter the size of your opponent.

  1. Roberto Duran

With a formidable reputation, Roberto Duran has earned his moniker as ‘Hands of Stone’ for good reason. A combination of fast movement, slick footwork, and the ability to avoid significant punishment are all winning weapons in his arsenal, helping to keep his fighting style fresh. He is also famous for his feints, allowing him to draw a reaction from the opponent, and plan his next move based on their reaction – this is an amazing opportunity to gain a valuable insight into the techniques and movements they may be planning, meaning that a shorter height is far less of a disadvantage. Duran also possesses an enviable ability to break rhythm without warning, having set up a seemingly predictable routine; this is key in blindsiding the opponent, allowing Duran to go in with an unexpected jab.

One of the major strengths demonstrated by Duran has to be his ability to read his competitor. This is a fighter who truly demonstrates the value of a strong psychological game, as well as an impressive physical technique. Through close observation, feints and tests, Duran is able to very quickly get the jump on the enemy, reading and predicting their moves and giving him time to offer a killer counter. Height is no obstacle here; with this valuable insider information, it is only a matter of time before he ends up the victor.

  1. Floyd Mayweather

A discussion of smart fighters cannot continue without reference to Floyd Mayweather, whose ring IQ is often considered one of the best in the fame. He has an innate ability to predict and recognise a punch, and uses this foresight to his full advantage. Mayweather’s stance has long been a focal point of discussion; rather than face his opponent face to face, he typically adopts a side-on stance, left foot forward, and legs widely spaced. A shorter height is advantageous here; Mayweather uses this to create a low centre of gravity with weight distributed evenly, and this creates a solid foundation which offers the chance to duck, turn or recoil quickly, with minimal foot movement, helping to conserve valuable energy.

Not only does this famous stance help to ensure perfect balance, but it also sets Mayweather up as an impenetrable force from the get go. Any attacks from the right are blocked by his back or left arm, or can be easily absorbed long before they make contact with the chin. At the same time, Floyd favours keeping his right arm free where possible, helping him parry punches from the left. This combination helps ensure protection even from taller fighters, who are likely to expend a great deal of wasted energy on their missed blows. A low centre of gravity then allows Mayweather to dole out jabs and punches from a range of angles, leaving his opponent continually on the back foot and making it easier to gain the upper hand.

  1. Manny Pacquiao

Manny Pacquiao is a fighter who blends speed, power, athleticism and raw talent into each and every fight he faces, and this deadly combination has helped him gain a crown as world champion. One of his key weapons is an incredible ability to use speed and stamina for a deadly combination of punches; a single 12 round fight once saw him throw over 1200 punches. This power, paired with a truly devastating left hand, allows Pacquiao to throw a series of combinations which leave opponents reeling from the volume, and they rarely have a chance to recover before he heads in with the next combo. In this, he is able to physically overwhelm his opponent with sheer volume and speed – competitors are left spinning as they try to keep up, and this can be particularly challenging for taller fighters, who expend more energy when they swing and miss.

As well as killer blows, Pacquiao also uses his agility to his advantage, with his footwork keeping him in continuous movement around the ring, and running circles around the enemy – usually literally – forcing them in closer as they attempt to land a blow. In this, Pacquiao is truly an inspiration to shorter fighters, demonstrating perfectly how a smaller stature lends itself to serious speed and agility which simply cannot be touched.

  1. Vasyl Lomachenko

Vasyl Lomachenko is often likened to a dancer by boxing fans, and it is easy to see where he gets this reputation. With agile footwork, a lightness which belies his strength, and a flexible, intelligent way of moving, Lomachenko has no qualms about getting right into the space of his opponents, forcing them onto the defensive. He favours a combination of rapid quickfire jabs and feints which always have his opponents at a disadvantage.

Speed is a critical weapon in any boxers arsenal, especially those who lack the advantage of height. Lomachenko is well aware of this, and has the ability to come at his opponents from a range of angles, changing direction and angle with little warning to help ensure he obtains the upper hand. This also allows him to completely dictate the pace of each fight, as well as the range the battle is fought at. His combatants are constantly trying to keep up and predict his next move; this distracts them from the business of landing blows, allowing Lomachenko to strike and obtain the win.

  1. Ricardo Lopez

Some boxers go their whole career with just a minimal amount of losses to their name, and are widely remembered and applauded for a successful winning streak. Ricardo Lopez, however, takes this to the next level – not only did he retire undefeated after a lengthy professional career, but he also never lost a fight when competing as an amaeteur. Such a legacy is not to be taken lightly, and is proof that a smaller stature is no obstacle to success. But how did he do it? Lopez’s success all comes down to his incredible ability to combine technique and power into every move, preferring to stay at close range and take his opponent out with a series of stunning combos, while the heart of his strength lay in technically perfect footwork which kept him constantly just out of reach of the enemy.

Using fast, neat footwork and exceptional agility, Lopez was a master at evading the blow from his opponent, before landing a brutal attack from the inside. He was also highly skilled at disguising his jabs, shifting his centre of gravity slightly onto the lead leg rather than stepping forward; this allowed him to build momentum and power, without warning the enemy that a jab was coming.

Shorter boxers often face a greater challenge than their taller counterparts, but that does not mean they cannot be incredible fighters. As we have seen from the legends above, there are a variety of trips and tricks you can employ to improve your technique, and help you gain the advantage.

  • Stay Light

Agility and speedy footwork are a key tool used by all of the fighters we have discussed above, and can help a short fighter obtain a win. A smaller statute tends to mean you are lighter on your feet, making it easier to bob, weave and move around the ring. Focus on making sure that your footwork is as accurate as possible, and make sure that your training includes a good amount of agility work. Used correctly, this can help you to keep your opponent moving and swinging without landing a punch – the perfect chance to tire them out and keep them on the defence.

  • Build Up Speed

Speed is a critical element of success, and we have seen how well this is employed by fighters such as  Pacquiao, who prefers to bombard his enemy with a dazzling combination of punches until they are forced to concede. This takes time, practice and accuracy, but putting in the hours can make a huge difference to your performance.

  • Work on Your Jab

The jab is a major element of success for short fighters, and can be used in a variety of ways. Use your jab as a rangefinder to help ascertain the best spot of attack, and experiment with different angles and directions to deliver a killer blow when it matters the most.